Quite often I hear from guests that visit our three campuses at CCEEP, a familiar comment, “Fr. Tom, your parish community is so welcoming!” Whether it is greeters at the door, moving over in “our pew” for visitors to sit, showing guests where the rest room or children’s room is located, holding hands at the “Our Father”, enjoying conversation over one of the Chili or Donut Sundays, opening or closing the door for an elderly parishioner, or just smiling or offering a handshake, the way we treat guests can have a positive impact on those around us.
Recently, I witnessed a young family at Mass and one of their children started to be a bit vocal. The young mother seemed a little bit embarrassed and had to go out into the vestibule to calm the child down. After the mom returned back into the pew the parishioners around her simply smiled and after Mass one parishioner approached the young family and said “It is nice to have life in our church, children are our future parishioners! Better to have crying then dying!”
This weekend we celebrate the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. The readings this weekend focus on hospitality. In the first reading from the Book of Genesis, we read on how Abraham and Sarah welcome heavenly visitors to their home and provide hospitality. In the Gospel of Luke we read how Jesus visits his friends Martha and Mary. They welcome Jesus into their home and Martha is very anxious and worried but Mary takes a place at the feet of Jesus and listens to his words.
Jesus is well aware of the demands of service for the sake of the gospel, and he tells his disciples, including Martha to keep their attention on Jesus. Let us stop, look and listen to the Lord and see Christ in everyone we meet. Let’s invite a family member, friend, co-worker, classmate or a former parishioner to come back home and join us at the Lord’s Table. Instead of complaining of hearing children cry or talk out at Mass, be grateful that the young family made it a point to attend Mass. Let us be welcoming to all.
New weekend Mass Schedule begins this weekend! Effective Saturday July 20, the new Mass schedule will be:
Saturday Vigil: 4 pm St. James
5:30 pm St. Bede
Sunday: 8 am St. Bede
9 am Mother of Good Counsel
10 am St. James
11 am St. Bede
CCEEP Blood Drive Please join us this Sunday, July 21, from 9 am to 2 pm St. James Chapel for our CCEEP Blood Drive.
Parish Improvements Arrow Electric recently repaired several outdoor lights around the St. Bede Campus including the roof and Activity Room area. The lighting that was blinking inside St. Bede Church near the candle area behind the Sacred Heart Statue has been repaired.
St. James Church roof is experiencing several leaks. We are working with Welte Roofing to determine the cause.
Beginning Saturday, August 3, weekend Masses at St. James will be held in the Chapel so our guests and parishioners can enjoy the air conditioning.
St. Bede Church is also air conditioned during the summer. Please visit all three of our campuses to get to know your parish family members.
Congratulations to Wendy Louise Gorman, daughter of Stephen and Meghan McClincy Gorman who is being baptized this weekend.
Happy Anniversary! Happy 28
th Anniversary to my sister and brother in law Eric and Linda Burke Schueler celebrating their anniversary this weekend.
Happy Birthday to my mom, Marge Burke celebrating her birthday this weekend!
Happy St. James Feast Day this Thursday, July 25!
Welcome Home A special welcome to Anthony, Roberta and Alexandra Delazio; Gregory, Ruth and Genevieve Foreman; Michael, Carlie, and Michael Jr. Magner who recently registered at CCEEP.
Please Note It is always nice to come into a clean church. We ask that after each Mass you make sure the pew that you are sitting in is clean and ready for the next parishioner or visitor. We ask that you do not leave any bulletins, tissues or any type of paper in the pews. As they say in the Boy Scouts… “Always leave a campsite better than the way you found it.”
Something to Think About…
“Receive strangers as friends…treat friends like family.”